Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fundraising Success!

Thanks to working a lot of extra hours, and thanks to all the generous people that helped support my climb, I am officially ending my fundraising efforts.  I have secured enough funds to accomplish my climb.  I am humbled by the generosity of so many wonderful people.  From the bottom of my heart, "Thank you".  Coming soon.....climb preparation and details!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mt. Elbrus Fundraising

My Proposal

I love climbing mountains.  It gives me a feeling that I cannot describe.  I love the challenge of the climb, the pain along the journey, and the sense of accomplishment on the summit.  It’s part of who I am.  My two climbing goals are to touch the highest point of all 50 states, and the highest point of all 7 continents.
But, mountaineering is a very expensive hobby.  I am a chef, husband, and father, and that is not a combination that leads to wealth.  So, I find myself stuck.  I can either give up my dream of climbing the world’s highest peaks, or I can ask for help…YOUR help to be specific.
There are 7 billion people in the world.  My plea is to find 600 of them that would be willing to donate $10 to make a simple man’s dream come true.  I want to be honest:  I’m not raising money for a charity.  I am climbing for me.  I’m climbing because I want my wife and son to be proud of me.  I’m climbing to show that hard work pays off.  I’m climbing so I can come back and share my story with all of you.
Help me.  Be a part of this.  I will be eternally grateful to each and every person to help me achieve this goal.  When you donate, sign my donation log so I can take you with me to the summit.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chef to Summit Fundraising Log

For all the supportive friends and family out there that are helping me achieve my dream, I wanted to try to take you all to the summit with me!  Since we all can't literally climb together, I'll take you all in spirit...

Each person that donates to my climb, I'd love you to sign this book so I can take it with me to the summit of Mt. Elbrus, the highest point in Europe!  That way we'll all be there together.

"Thank You" to every one of you for your help, love, and support.  P.S. -- if you're not here to sign it in person, I'll sign it for you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Help me achieve my dream!

The time has come, once again, for me to attempt to climb another of the world's tallest mountains.  This time I am aiming for Mt. Elbrus, the tallest mountain in Europe, at over 18,500 feet.  I am planning on climbing with Rainier Mountaineering again.  My hopeful trip is scheduled for July 5th, 2013.  Here is where YOU come in.  This time around, I am trying to fund-raise a lot of the trip cost.  My goal is to raise $6000 from friends and family to cover a lot of the climb's expenses.  My theory is this:  if I can get 600 people in the world to just donate at least $10, I'll have the money I need.  I don't mean to sound sad or pathetic, but I am looking for the support and kindness of good people to help me achieve my dream of touching the highest point of all 7 continents.  I am a simple cook, husband, and father.  None of those things lead to me being a wealthy man.  But, this passion I have is an expensive one, and it dawned on me a long time ago that if I plan on continuing this quest, I'm going to need help.....
Here is my time frame:  I need to have $1,500 as a deposit 1 year in advance (July 5th, 2012).  Then, the balance is due 90 days prior to the start of the climb, which is also when I need to purchase my flight.  Please find it in your heart to find $10 to donate to this climb.  You have the opportunity to help someone's dream come true.  There is no charity involved, no funny business, and no false claims.  I just want to climb.  I will be continuing to post, beg, and plead until I have the funds I need.
Chef Wilson, my boss at Arizona Culinary Institute, has agreed to allow me to use the school as "home base" for my fund-raising efforts.  More official information will be coming soon, but in the mean time, if you think you can help, please email me or contact me on facebook for details.  Thank you in advance for your love and compassion.