Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hike Profile: squaw peak circumference trail

Squaw peak is a very popular mountain in Phoenix.  The summit trail is the main trail that people go to the park to do.....but there is a trail that is longer, has just as much elevation gain, has beautiful scenery, and sees about 10 percent of the traffic that the summit trail sees:  the circumference trail.  The trailhead is the same as the summit trail, but you can access the trail from almost any of the parking areas in the Squaw peak park.  The trail is a 3.5 mile (approx) loop that circles the entire mountain, and it gains about 1000 total feet, but it's broken up into 2 main climbs.  I love this hike.  The trails sees wayyyyyyy less traffic than it's popular neighbor, so in this crowded park in this crowded city, you still get a feeling of solitude.  If you ever go to hike the summit trail, and the crowds prove to be too much, give the circumference a won't regret it.

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