Sunday, September 20, 2009

The almighty dollar.....

I spend a lot of time thinking.....watching, analyzing, reflecting..... and in my short life of 28 years, I've noticed a few things. I have found that in a society that seems very concerned about what label we're wearing, or what type of car we're driving, or how big our houses are, I feel like an outside observer because I feel no connection with the need to have the biggest, best, and newest material possessions. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to being comfortable, or needing to purchase a new piece of backpacking/outdoor equipment, I will search out the best, but it's truly a matter of function-over-form to me. I know we all have different values in life, and what's important to some couldn't mean less to others. But to me, wealth is measured in the experiences we have and the obstacles we overcome; the events that we face in our life, and the stories we have to tell. I know to some, you may read this and think that you'd take a Mercedes Benz over a great adventure any day, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.

Anyway, stepping off my soap-box now, because of this lack of desire for the material, and this great desire to really LIVE my life, I work a job that I love, that pays enough to get by, and allows me plenty of time and a wonderful schedule to pursue all the trips/events/adventures that I could possibly want. Unfortunately, that doesn't include enough money to climb mountains like Mt. McKinley in Alaska, which is the first event in my "Endurathon". So, after much regret, I have been forced to......... get a part time job.

Yes, I must sacrifice some free-time to earn the money to climb my mountain. So, from now until April, I will be soaking up all the catering events and part time hours I can get my hands on, so that when June rolls around, my trip will be paid off, and I can climb my mountain. I have officially begun working for Chef Kevin Binkley, the owner/chef of Binkley's Restaurant, and Cafe Bink. There are probably a lot of easier ways to earn extra money, but I figured if I'm gonna do this, I might as well challenge myself with work as well. He's a visionary chef, really pushing the boundaries of the culinary scene in Arizona. Check out this link: Binkley's. For now, my training is going to have to be balanced with a little extra work. It's a means to an end, and that end is Mt.-fuckin-McKinley, so it's worth it.

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